Self Introduction

The blog is no longer updated, please see here for more information.

Basic informations

  • Full Name:Yi An
  • Gender:Female
  • Date of Birth:2000-12-08(GMT+08:00)

Personal biography

  • Slight knowledge of Java, C/C++, Python
  • Linux beginner
  • Some Delphi development experience
  • Used to self-taught in embedded development, with slight knowledge of x86 and ARM assembly
  • Dropped out of high school sophomore year

Future planning

  • Desktop/mobile game development
  • Cross-platform tool development

The Purpose of Opening the Blog

  • Record my IT life, and share programming experience
  • To announce personal/studio project summary and planning

Blog planning

  • Write and post at least two IT-related blog posts per week, each of them with an estimated reading time (can be found at blog post’s header) of more than 1 minute
  • Announce personal/studio project summary and planning weekly and monthly

The whining of a Chinese leek1 in the GFW

  • Currently in a very small, very unscrupulous company, working 6/7/7 day by day (working hours are from 6 a.m to 7 p.m, no vacation unless special circumstances)
  • Against such kind of unscrupulous company, as long as I haven’t been fired, not only will I not work seriously, I will do my own thing during working hours!!!
  • BTW, up to nine consecutive weeks (63 days) not post any blog posts is a NORMAL situation (I almost believed it, LOL), (surely, if stopping update more time than this, in 80% probability is I was fired, resulting in a forced stop blogging…)

  1. Note: “leek (Simplified Chinese: 韭菜)” is a common internet term used by mainland Chinese residents to mock themselves because “leeks” can be harvested repeatedly and are powerless to resist the “sickle (Simplified Chinese: 镰刀)”, also an internet term used by mainland Chinese residents to satirize the exploiting class. ↩︎

Last modified on 2022-03-22