Week Summary 20220227
Week summary of 2022-02-21...2022-02-27

Maintained projects

Contributed projects

  • NONE

Next-step planning

  • Complete the Windows backend of gdx-dwt by the end of next week.
  • Finish at least 1/3 of the game [Space Trail] demo by the end of next week.

Extra comments

I didn’t expect win32 development without MFC to be so difficult, which directly led to not finishing the planned tasks. (Being busy lately is one of the reasons, even both blog posts and week summaries were not made up until the second Tuesday).
What I didn’t expect even more was that Putin actually did invade Ukraine… I can’t do anything about it, I don’t have much money, and RMB couldn’t been donated, so I bought a copy of “This War of Mine” for a friend (a few days ago the developer of the game said would donate all the incomes within seven days to Ukraine, I bought it for my friend because I stopped using Steam long time ago). I hope the world will still be peaceful after the war.

Last modified on 2022-02-28